Morning, Morning, Morning, welcome to another segment of Grind It Up. Our last episode dealt with modeling from a new perspective and different angles to take inside of the performing arts arena. Our Edutainment will grow and prosper more in depth as we are promoted along. Do you have your glass and grinder out? It is time for us to shed some sound through innovative marketing and divine intervention as we allow it to bring you back immeasurable blessings and harvests in our careers despite our oppositions. Are you where you want to be in your career; moreover, are you around the right people that are going to catapult you to your next level inside of it? Grab a cup of whatever it is you like to sip and relax, more truth is coming your way it is time to Taste & C together.
Grind It Up Edutainment is written and discussed for hardcore application in your everyday lifestyle in conjunction within “The Industry”. Beginning any business without a business plan or proposal is not the smartest route to take, therefore in your career involving The Arts you must come up with goals and not only surpass them, but follow your own rules and guidelines concerning your career so that you may create a platform for others as well as yourself. The latest marketing scheme that I personally encountered, that I would like grind up with you, will promote insight within your creativity and give you a glimpse of what it is that you can do when faced with opportunity that is seemingly overwhelming initially.
Grind This: No matter in which arena that the creative side of life will bring, you need to capitalize within as many levels in it as your passion, skill, and determination will allow to. Have you ever had to come up with an entire company overnight? We are going to set the grinder on mince as I commence on informing you about inner L productions Gifting & Event Marketing Co. This company was birth December 30, 2008 because a gifting company canceled at the last minute allowing a wide open door of opportunity for two women and the 17th Annual 2009 Trumpet Awards were in need of a gift bag company for the Honorees and Attendees of their 4-Day celebration. My business partner and I had to build an entire website, literature, supply 200 gift bags and products through product placement sponsorships, package them ourselves, and distribute them once completed all in a matter of 24 days. 24 days being 1 hour opposed to 24 hours being 1 day is a hefty trick to pull off, but it was accomplished and with rewards. Know when to take your opportunities in life and they do and will always pay off for you. We were models, broadcasters, publicist, volunteers, security, event planners, secretaries, networkers, marketers, promoters, writers, directors, production crew, media, and much more all due to this one opportunity. What hats do you wear in your career and which ones are you willing to grab or leave behind to support the outfit?
Grind This: During your career, there will always be Cancers out to get you. This is deeper than any astrological sign, or disease. These are the people in your life that do not want you to “make it” before they do or at all period. Your number one way of curing the Cancers in your life is to keep on moving. Your dreams are larger than your provision; however, your provision is more than you know. In The Industry, you will always be challenged beyond measure to test your drive and tenacity. Are you going to heal yourself or go to the temporary hospital every time you feel the natural pain? A great grain of advice is for you to write out your action plan now, I mean literally right now. Another portion is for you to get a mentor or an agent that will counsel you through your endeavors in your business. All writers need an editor(s), anyone in business must have an advisor(s) and you are your business. The credit industry monitors you, the criminal system monitors you, education monitors you, religion, friends and family monitor you, the IRS monitors you, but you have to monitor yourself and all other Cancers will fall off. The moral of the story is that if you are ready and willing anything and everything that you, desire will be available and tangible for and to you.
The Truth does not hurt; it just stings a little, do not run from it, GRIND IT UP!
Brought to you by The Grinder, Donna Coffee, taste & c you in the morning.
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