Thursday, March 5, 2009

EnVisage a Better You 3/5/09

"Action makes more fortune than caution."

Luc DeClapiers
1715-1747, Essayist

1 comment:

  1. I used to worry about things, well no, let me quit lying. I never worry about anything. My mother once told me, "Donna, you are not scared of anything because YOU ARE IT!" That stuck with me and I agree. Fear invokes lies. I feel if you are cautious, you are fearful; however it is wise to be discerning and know what you are getting yourself into. Be not ignorant to prove a point either. Research, study, self-educate yourself, just be courageous through it all and what the difference in your life. I mean real difference, the negative vs. the positive. When you are "action" driven, you will be indestructible, when you are indestructible, you will become eternal. We still remember storms and hurricanes and bad weather from years and history because it was active, be remember able as a storm and as harmless as the calm, you will be well balanced, active and fortunate!

    -Donna Coffee


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