Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chance of a Lifetime

Today I performed make-overs on women in the inner city. I was so blessed to have been given the opportunity and fortunate enough to run into the company that was sponsoring the event. Many of these women didn't wear makeup and had no idea where to start. They were so full of questions and were excited about the makeovers. It dawned on me that, in most cases, they would never have gotten the chance to get a makeover done. Many of the women were hesitant to approach me, and I found out later, it was because they thought it was expensive. I requested a loud speaker announcement be made to alert everyone that there was no cost for the makeover. The look of relief was priceless. They realized, I to can be pampered for once. I can forget my daily struggles just to make ends meet and get beautified without worry. My heart swelled more and more with the completion of each makeover. They each thanked me repeatedly which made me feel so good. These women left with more confidence than they had when they first came to me. If I can help someone realize their true beauty...even if it's just a little bit...then count me in. I would do today all over again every day if I could.

Re'Nauta Bell

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