I seriously thought I could get away with staying in the office behind my computer and phone but I suppose that was a ridiculous thought process from the start. I now find myself wondering why it even mattered to be out of the spotlight. I wonder now if I was like a typical insecure model who truly glowed in the light but secretly felt she didn't deserve success or expected it to all go wrong in the end. Maybe it's because I know there's a price you have to pay when people "know" you. I'm not claiming any of this because I'm honestly unsure where this desire to not be known came from especially since I've always been a flower that thrives in the light.
My company is reaching a new high, but to achieve it, I am forced to go where the light is. I guess I kind of answered my own question and now it's time to come into acceptance.
Re'Nauta Bell
If ever a time to CHANGE your thinking, it's now. I witnessed the CHANGE, in DC in 20+ degree weather & I will never be the same again.